Seminars and Masterclasses

Seminar 1 & 14

What’s on top??
Kate Lethbridge & Belinda Weber, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

With an everchanging landscape it is often difficult to keep up with the education sector. 

Join the panel of our national team to discuss a summary of matters that boards need to know to help them understand. 

Seminar 2 & 15

Building a positive Board culture
Sarah Campbell, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

A positive Board culture allows your Board to operate effectively.  When all Board members feel empowered to speak up and challenge ideas and opinions, boards are able to engage in robust, respectful discussion which leads to sound decision-making. 

An inter-active exploration, using case studies and scenarios, on ways to build a strong, positive board culture focused on ensuring the best outcomes for all akonga.

Seminar 3 & 16

When employment and governance collide
Ngaire Cooper & Chris France, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

This workshop will use scenarios and participant involvement to explore and understand situations where navigating this will keep everyone safe

Seminar 4 & 17

How to find a hero in a complaint
Michael O’Brien (Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa) & Alan Curtis

Ugh…. a complaint!  What was once a student matter, is now an adult war of words.  Fuelled by frustration and perception of failure, what was a niggle, has become a complicated mess.  Written communication has been voluminous and litigious, despatched with officious regularity.  So how can a board find a hero in a complaint, and restore every mana? 

During this session we’ll explore how the disruption of a complaint and an effective policy, can be used to create a change that enables community engagement.

Seminar 5 & 18

Check your staff – the importance of Police Checks
Heather Warren & Lisa Dunn, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

Police vetting and checking is a topic that sits at both governance and employment levels within our schools and kura.  The implications of unchecked staff in schools can put boards in difficult situations.  This session will focus on both governance and employment aspects of Police Checks.  It will look at obligations of the board with regard to legislation, processes to ensure the school updates and reviews on a regular schedule along with health and safety risk assessments for staff with convictions. 

It may also touch on applying for exemptions if and when required.

Seminar 6 & 19

Governing to realise the right to education
Ced Simpson, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

The Education and Training Act envisages a schooling system that enables all learners ‘to exercise their right to education” (S32). 

But what sort of education?  And, what sort of changes might the board need to generate if it takes the right to education seriously?

Seminar 7 & 20

Kōkirihia: Ending Streaming – The ‘How’ 
Tokona Te Raki:
Kaya Staples 
(Ngāi Tahu, Te Arawa, Ngā Puhi)
Rangimarie Elvin (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Pūkenga)
Manaaki Waretini-Beaumont (Te Āti Haunui a Pāpārangi)
Piripi Prendergast (Ngāti Pākehā)

This workshop will build on from the keynote presentation, looking at once a school stops streaming, what does it replace it with and how does it do this? This discussion will include alternative pedagogies as well as the role of leadership, drawing on case studies including those charting the change from a board perspective. 

Seminar 8 & 21

Are the machines taking over? Time to create a safer, more secure online learning environment in your school.
Greg Duff 
Head of Education & Engagement Network for Learning

Phones away for the day, devices out for learning. Navigating the use of technology in your school environment can be confusing at the best of times. Couple this with a Board’s obligation to ensure places of learning [which extends to online] are safe for their communities and you might find yourself in a world of confusion. Let’s cut out the noise and keep it simple - here are 3 governance facts you should know:

1. School Boards are accountable for keeping ākonga safe online
2. Your school is the custodian of systems and sensitive data that need to be protected from cyber attack
3. You are not alone - N4L provides funded safety and security services to help you meet your Cyber Safety and Security needs

The machines aren’t taking over, but they can cause problems if you let them. Come along to learn how you can take control with policies, and procedures that work alongside your school’s network and the funded cybersecurity tools available to keep your school community and your data safe and secure.Don’t fear the machines empower innovation.

Seminar 9 & 22

Te Raranga: Standing Together Against Hate
Sarah Longbottom & Flora Muirhead, NZ Police 

NZ Police are on a journey, alongside partner agencies, to reduce the harm caused by hate in New Zealand. Te Raranga was established to address Recommendation 42 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry report into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019, which directs NZ Police to revise how they record complaints of hate crime and train staff on hate motivated offending.  Te Raranga established an advisory board with key partners, such as Ministry of Education, Victim Support, Crime Stoppers, NetSafe and DIA. From this partnership, a PowerPoint and video were developed to support the public to recognise and report hate-motivated crimes and seek or offer support to those affected.

The PowerPoint is publicly available and can be used to educate and train people in the workplace, school, at home or during public gatherings. Police staff use this pack to support community engagement, and may be used in a school setting.  A growing kit of resources are available
This presentation has synergy with the School Safety and Crowded Places presentation tomorrow.

Seminar 10 & 23

Social cohesion in schools
Nera Tautau
Human Rights Commission 

In schools, social cohesion refers to an environment where students are encouraged to have positive relationships and where all students feel they belong. Educators play a key role in highlighting that having a diverse range of people in your community is a strength. 

Seminar 11 & 24

The Literacy and Numeracy Co-requisite: demystifying requirements and support for teaching, learning, and assessment
Kate Malcolmson, Lead Advisor, Te Poutāhū (Curriculum Centre), Ministry of Education
Sue Chalmers, Chief Advisor Assessment, New Zealand Qualifications Authority

This workshop is aimed at demystifying current board concerns about assessment methods for literacy and numeracy, and the different responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and NZQA in implementing this change to the NCEA. In particular, it intends to provide assurance that that assessment approach does not inherently disadvantage priority learners.

It will cover:
• the intended purpose and the why behind the NCEA Change Programme: Change 3
• the importance of teaching and learning in strengthening literacy and numeracy
• available resources and support for teachers and schools in making key pedagogical shifts

o The Regional Support Initiative: Direct support for schools and kaiako
o Resources available on NCEA.ed

• assessment design and development of assessment activities
• delivering the assessments
• special assessment conditions
• marking, results and student feedback.

Seminar 12 & 25: Masterclass 1

Natasha Watson & Wayne McGillivray, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

Sitting on a board we hear all the time about student wellbeing, staff wellbeing, principal wellbeing and that is as it should be. What about Board wellbeing? 

What does Board wellbeing look like?  Who looks after Board wellbeing?  Come along and share your experiences and ideas/solutions.  

Seminar 13 & 26

Pasifika Perspectives in School Governance: Unveiling Invisible Contributions to Student Achievement
Joycelyn Tauevihi & Dr Moses Fale’olo

The opportunity to delves into the critical role of Pasifika perspectives in school governance, focusing on the Pasifika communities in key areas of Aotearoa, namely Tamaki makaurau, Te Whanganui a Tara, and Ōtautahi, it highlights the significant impact of Pasifika governance on educational policy, decision-making processes, and community outreach initiatives. Despite facing challenges of assimilation and integration into a largely monocultural system, Pasifika individuals have emerged as advocates for their cultural identity within governance structures. This synopsis aims to illuminate the often-overlooked contributions of Pasifika governance in enhancing academic, sporting, and cultural achievements for students, regardless of Pasifika enrollment levels. By recognizing and leveraging Pasifika perspectives, mainstream school governance can effectively empower and uplift Pasifika student outcomes, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Seminar 27 & 40

Police Support and Engagement to ensure School Safety
Soni Malaulau, NZ Police

Schools are required to have fit for purpose emergency response plans in place. These should have regular rehearsal and drills to ensure an effective response in relation to shelter in place, lockdown and following key messages from the NZ Crowded Places Strategy.

Police will present information that will inform schools on what to consider when creating prevention and response strategies to help keep schools safe.

Seminar 28 & 41

Policy, not sexy but mighty useful
Ann Bixley & Belinda Weber, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

School boards govern through policy.  So, how do boards use their policies to prepare their school environment to get the best outcomes possible for all their akonga – present and future?  A well written policy framework based on the school’s values sets expectations for the board itself, and school management to ensure their key objectives and legislative requirements are met. 

This workshop will look at how boards can use their policies to monitor school performance. 

Seminar 29 & 42

Employment complaints – what, when and how they come to the board
Ngaire Cooper, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

As a board there will be times when you will need to navigate an employment process to decide on a matter of discipline/conduct for a staff member, or potentially terminate a staff member. 

So, what should you expect from your Principal and what process do you need to follow to keep the board maintaining it’s good employer status and your obligations under the various legislation and collective agreements. 

Seminar 30 & 43

Tikanga and Employment Practice in schools – implications of GF v Comptroller of Customs
Maynard Scott, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

Last year the Employment Court ruled that it is “seriously arguable that public sector organisations [have] obligations to engage with tikanga in light of s 73 of the Public Sector Act 2020”.  This is even if they are not a “Māori” organisation or if they have not made a conscious decision to incorporate tikanga into their employment relations.  Section 73 is near identical to s 597 of the Education and Training Act 2020.  All school boards (not just those of Māori medium schools) are now on notice that tikanga may be used to hold their employment decisions to count.

This workshop will explore the implications of the pivotal GF v Comptroller of the NZ Customs Service decision on schools by: 

  • working through the court decision to understand why the courts made its decision as it did
  • exploring the law of tikanga Māori through the lens of He Poutama (a document prepared by the Law Commission)
  • considering the interface between statute law (like the Employment Relations Act 2000) tikanga and the employment process
  • how to begin a respectful journey to understand tikanga in your rohe and communities

Seminar 31 & 44

Student Suspension Meetings
Cheryl Bunker & Paula Helms, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

Be confident to create the change you want on your board when attending or chairing a suspension meeting.  It’s one of the hardest tasks you’ll have to complete as a board member, therefore in this workshop we look at what the board’s role is once the student has been suspended, how to work through a robust process to ensure the board meets its obligations and provides as much mana to the student as possible. 

We’ll discuss the steps to follow, focus on the principles of natural justice, focus on being fair and flexible and discuss what needs to be taken into consideration before determining an outcome for the student.  We’ll cover off the regulations, and guidelines so you feel confident if the need arises for you to attend a suspension meeting.

Seminar 32 & 45: Masterclass 2

Being the community our learners will, and will want to, live in
Ced Simpson & Natasha Watson, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

The right to education includes preparation for life in learners’ local, national and global communities. 

But what does this mean?  What are the implications for boards and their policies and strategy

Seminar 33 & 46

Handling investigations and complaints - employment
Isabel Dixon, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

During this session we will break down the step-by step procedures for handling conduct issues, complaints and workplace conflicts that have been referred to the board through the principal, or through the concerns and complaints process.  This session will also cover – convening a committee to investigate, assessing internal and external investigations and where to seek assistance. 

Regardless of your familiarity with this topic, the session will cater to all levels of experience by board members who attend

Seminar 34 & 47

Climate change and schools:  What can Boards do?
Rachel Bolstad (NZCER) – Kaihautu Rangahau – Chief researcher
Tracy Findlayson (MOE) – Programme Director

This workshop explores how schools and BoT can play an active, positive role in responding to climate change and supporting young people and communities in the transition to a zero-carbon future. By attending this workshop, you will:

·   learn what the Ministry of Education and some schools are already doing to reduce carbon emissions and build climate resilience

·   gain insights about climate change and how it connects with your governance role and responsibilities (known as         “climate governance”)

·   have a chance to share experiences and learn from other trustees in the room

·   leave with resources and ideas you can take back to your schools and communities.

Seminar 35 & 48

How School Boards can support "Structured Teaching Approaches”
Ministry of Education (Grace Marsh and Giles Panting)

This presentation will focus on:   

• the board’s role in supporting quality teaching and learning 
• what boards need to know about changing curriculum requirements and monitoring of student progress 

Seminar 36 & 49

Meeting the mental health needs of young New Zealanders
Dr Rachel Patrick, Office of Auditor General 
Katie Sherriff, Te Hiringa Mahara

Dr Rachel Patrick from the Office of the Auditor-General will present key findings and insights for school trustees from the recent report Meeting the Mental health Needs of young New Zealanders.  Mental health is the biggest health issue facing young New Zealanders today. Recent survey data suggests that young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing has declined sharply over the past decade. In a major survey of secondary students, the percentage of young people who reported having experienced significant symptoms of depression increased from 13% in 2012 to 23% in 2019. In 2023, secondary school principals ranked student mental health and well-being as the top issue facing secondary schools today. 

The presentation will cover recent evidence and trends on young peoples’ mental health, school boards’ responsibilities for student mental health and wellbeing and some of the challenges facing the school sector in meeting young peoples’ mental health needs. It will equip board members with the information they need to help them understand, and ask the right questions about, the mental health needs of their students and the effectiveness of school-based services.

Seminar 37 & 50

How the role of the principal enhances student outcomes
Louise Ānaru and Greg Thornton - Secondary Principal’s Association NZ

The team from SPANZ will run an interactive session with board members to explore content ranging from collective agreements to wellbeing plans and anything that board members might be aching to find out about the role of the principal and the operations/governance interface.

Seminar 38 & 51

Be the Change
Dr Mere Berryman & Elizabeth Eley

Through bicultural partnerships we can be the change we want in the education system

Seminar 39 & 52

Equipping School Boards: Understanding the OIA and enhancing decision-making
LeiLani Vitaliano & Bronwyn Deane-Royce, Office of the Ombudsman

In your role as a school board member, do you feel confident in navigating the Official Information Act (OIA)? This session will unpack the key obligations that you need to know outlined in the OIA.  Our aim is to ensure that School Board members feel equipped with the right knowledge and tools for effective decision-making, see how to prioritise transparency and accountability, and know the essential functions of the Ombudsman. Join us for engaging scenarios and discussions, and we will help you on your path to better governance.

Seminar 53 & 65

Understanding the importance of informal and formal – when running disciplinary/performance management processes – the board role as the employer.
Amol Shejwal, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

Ask yourself… Does your school’s employment process ensure that you are operating within the law?  Does your board have employment delegations recorded clearly?  What is an informal or formal process and when should the board step in?  This session will focus on informal and formal Collective Agreement requirements that employers must follow when running disciplinary/performance management processes and responsibilities of the principal/board when running the process. 

It is not surprising, given the above, that there can be risks for both employers and employees in the way employment relations are managed in schools.

Seminar 54 & 66

How to be a good employer from the beginning to the end
Katharina Friedli, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

As a board how do we ensure we are a good employer?  How could we bring about change to ensure our kura/school is a place where people want to work and can thrive?  And what about staff wellbeing?  This session explores the boards role as the employer, from the recruitment to concluding an employment relationship, and the important time in between, of maintain the board’s role good employer role with staff – from the principal to the caretaker. 

Let’s discuss the importance of leading and governing the good, processing the bad and avoiding the ugly. When does it require the boards direct involvement and when does it not? 

Seminar 55 & 67

Small schools, big challenges – governing well in small schools
Belinda Weber, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

For a long time, small schools have been championed for the value they bring to their typically rural communities, but every day we deal with issues arising from the challenges in these same schools.  Today let’s reflect on the importance of community, wellbeing and improving student outcomes as we envisage small schools’ futures.  This will be a discussion led workshop – a space to share experiences and take valuable learnings from others in similar positions.  Come along and join a group who understand the challenges you face at your board table. 

This session is ideal for board members who govern schools with less than 100 students.

Seminar 56 & 68

The Wellbeing Climate – How to mitigate Climate Change
Sonjia Wilson & Rachael Spencer, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

So, you know your risks, you’ve got your register, your Health & Safety rep is in place, your committee has the physical risks under control???  What about the risks you can’t see?  What about wellbeing?  Wellbeing fits within the remit of your boards’ health & safety obligations.  Does your board understand the workplace culture of the school it governs?  Is staff wellbeing flourishing or is it deteriorating?  How do you avoid being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff?  This workshop will take a deep dive into practical ways for a board to gain knowledge and govern its way through the ups and downs of a school’s wellbeing climate, including reflecting on the treasures that Te Ao Maori offer us in the wellbeing space. 

We will explore the benefits and the ways to create a positive board culture, a responsive, insightful senior leadership team and middle leaders with strong relational skills.  You will gain awareness into ways to be both a proactive governor in this space and ways to turn your kura workplace culture around to have the climate flourishing

Seminar 57 & 69: Masterclass 3

Student Suspension meetings - How to navigate or participate in a student suspension meeting
Paula Helms & Cheryl Bunker, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

In this workshop we will discuss some real case studies where students were suspended and then discuss options the board could have considered as they made their decision.  We’ll discuss conditions in more detail, ensuring age appropriateness and discuss what support may be available from external agencies. 

This is a practical interactive workshop designed for members who already have knowledge of the process to follow for student suspension meetings, and who have had experience of suspension meetings.

Seminar 58 & 70

Governing for well - being in NZ Schools
Gregor Fountain
Manager, Sports NZ Strategic Engagement

Enhancing the physical activity of all tamariki and rangatahi. As school board members we are used to reviewing data and contributing to Board conversations about student attendance and achievement, but how can we also be effective board members of student well-being? 

In this workshop we’ll explore some well-being frameworks which can be used by schools; better understand the powerful role that inclusive and positive physical activity can have on student well-being, attendance and achievement; and develop some strategies for keeping well-being at the forefront of the Board’s decision-making.

Seminar 59 & 71

How can we be the change needed to support and cater for rural school leadership?
Andrew King
NZ Rural Schools Association

Rural Education through the support of quality governance for our Principal and staff,   is crucial in shaping the future of our children of today and into the future.   Having the courage to be the change we want.  Come and hear Adrew talk through the lens of rural education  

Seminar 60 & 72

Be the change we want – Maximising the positive influence of the Board 
Lisa Morrisey & Dr Jaqui Patuawa - Evaluation Associates

The quality of the conversations around the Board table will directly influence the degree to which the Board can positively influence improved valued outcomes for all learners. This workshop is designed to cause reflection on the current quality of the conversations around the Board table and how those conversations might be improved.

The workshop will take an interactive approach in which you can learn not only from your experienced facilitators but also the collective experience and wisdom in the room

Seminar 61 & 73

Managing the risk of drugs
Glenn Dobson (CEO) & Blair Larsen - The Drug Detection Agency

The session delivered by Glenn will be an informative overview of why a large and publicly visible sector like the education sector needs to be aware of, and manage, the risks of drugs within its environment. Glenn will cover off the importance of robust policy; why training and education is essential; and the evolving science behind the drug testing industry.

He will also update the audience on the developing global drug trends and challenge a few myths or misconceptions.

Seminar 62 & 74

The Eduscape - equipping us to navigate the education landscape
Caleb Brothers, Maxine Graham, Jerusalem Rikihana & Tyler Ely-Tuhimata, Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group 

 As board members, you are well aware of the complex and at times confusing nature of the education system. However, many whānau are not equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate this system, often finding it overwhelming. Therefore, the Eduscape, or map of the education landscape, has been created from a whānau, hapū and iwi lens, to provide a purposeful overview of the education system in Aotearoa. This tool aims to identify points of decision making across the current education landscape, making it more transparent for ākonga and their whānau.This workshop is an opportunity to get a first look at this innovative tool, developing your own understanding of the breadth of the education system, as well as provide your valuable insights to ensure it accurately reflects the position and influence of school boards within that system.

Seminar 63 & 75

Latest research coming out of ERO – attendance, maths, behaviour…
Elena Moretti, Education Review Office (ERO)

School boards are pivotal to the success of our schools and are in a unique position for supporting great school practices. In this informative, practical workshop, we will share bite-sized updates on the latest research coming out of the Education Review Office, and how this can inform and support the work of school boards. Recent research topics include attendance, maths teaching, behaviour support, new principals, and more.

The workshop will also include opportunities to share your insights, as board members, about where future research and evaluation would be of value – this will help inform our future project planning. 

Seminar 64 & 76

Exploring the commitments outlined in the code of professional responsibility, with an emphasis on professional boundaries for teachers.
Mose Pio and Sharon Coulton, NZ Teaching Council

This workshop will focus on exploring the commitments outlined in the code of professional responsibility, with an emphasis on professional boundaries for teachers.Board members can expect an informative session that develops their understanding of the different types of professional boundaries and how to determine what is professionally appropriate or inappropriate. They will engage in discussions that highlight the significance of defining professional boundaries to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for all.Additionally, they will be encouraged to share their perspectives, offering valuable insights that can contribute to the future development of guidance and tools for teachers on navigating professional boundaries effectively.

Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa Conference 2024

Conference organisers: The Conference Company

Phone:  +64 9 360 1240

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